Nitrous oxide sedation

Do you feel anxious in the dentist’s chair? Do you put off booking dental procedures due to a fear of needles or pain? Are you jeopardizing your oral health because of dental anxiety?

Sedation dentistry is a safe and effective way to manage anxiety, pain, and sensitivity during dental appointments. It allows patients with dental anxiety or phobias to receive treatment in a calm and comfortable state.

One of the great things about this sedation option is that it’s safe for patients of all ages, including children and seniors. If you have a child under the age of 18, you will need to give your consent for them to receive the treatment.

At our Winnipeg dental office, we want to help anxious patients feel relaxed during their procedures. Here’s how nitrous oxide sedation can help your next appointment go smoothly:


What Is Nitrous Oxide?

Nitrous oxide is a gas that’s inhaled through the nose. It’s commonly referred to as “laughing gas” since it makes you feel peaceful, at ease, and sometimes giggly. The sedative itself is a combination of oxygen and nitrous oxide. It’s an odourless, colourless form of minimal sedation. Some patients notice a slightly sweet taste or smell.

Nitrous oxide sedation can help patients who:

  • Feel intense anxiety during dental procedures
  • Have a gag reflex that’s triggered by dental treatment
  • Are too young for other forms of dental sedation

After breathing in the sedative, you will feel the effects almost instantly. When your dental procedure is complete, you won’t likely experience any grogginess or drowsiness from the sedative.


Will It Make Someone Unconscious?

No—nitrous oxide is a form of minimal sedation. While you’re on the medication, you can still hear the dentist and respond to their questions. However, you have a reduced sense of awareness of what’s happening around you.

Those who are interested in conscious sedation may prefer nitrous oxide gas over other medications or sedatives. Most patients feel more comfortable with conscious sedation; it’s a safe form of sleep dentistry.


Preparing For An Appointment

You look at your calendar and see that it’s almost time for your next dental procedure. But with nitrous oxide sedation, your dental anxiety will be a thing of the past. We recommend not eating for 1-2 hours before your appointment to prevent any nausea.


Effects To Expect

Once the oral sedation is administered, you may experience the following effects:

  • A light tingling sensation throughout the body
  • Numbness and light-headedness
  • A general sense of being relaxed and calm

It takes no longer than a few minutes before patients feel sedated. With this dental sedation treatment, it’s easy to adjust how strong or weak the effects are.

As soon as the gas stops being administered, the sedation begins to fade away. The dentist administers oxygen to help wear off the nitrous oxide. Many patients can drive themselves home once their procedure is complete.


Don’t Be Anxious To See The Dentist

Some patients will delay necessary dental work due to fear. But this can cause extensive damage to your teeth and lead to oral health issues becoming worse. Dental sedation helps new patients overcome their discomfort.


Book Your Appointment Today!

Don’t let anxiety hold you back from taking care of your oral health. Interested in receiving nitrous oxide sedation at your next appointment? It’s a safe form of conscious sedation that will help you relax throughout your treatment.

Fresh Dental is a Winnipeg dental office that offers various forms of oral sedation. We want all of our patients to feel relaxed and comfortable during their procedures. Contact us today to book your appointment.

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The best way to prevent tooth problems is to visit your dentist regularly. Spotting potential issues and keeping your teeth in top shape is our specialty. Book an appointment with us and we can keep your smile healthy at your convenience!

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