Charcoal Toothpaste: Science Versus Fads

charcoal toothpaste

Charcoal has become one of the biggest trends in the world of health, wellness, and cosmetics. We’ve seen it pop up in everything from face masks and scrubs to toothpaste. While many toothpaste brands have jumped on the charcoal train, it must be a sign that the highly absorbent compound really works. Right? 

One thing that we’ve all come to learn is that just because something is popular doesn’t always mean that it’s good. Here we’ll be covering the benefits and drawbacks of charcoal in toothpaste:

The History of Charcoal Remedies 

Charcoal products began popping up in many stores over the last few years, but the history of charcoal-based products goes back even further. The Romans used charcoal and tree bark to brush their teeth, which gave charcoal toothpaste a long-running history in Europe. 

In the 1930s, charcoal dental cream and gum were manufactured and advertised as a means to have fresh breath and remove tobacco stains from teeth. However, the American Dental Association raised safety concerns about those charcoal products, which stopped their production.

The Lack of Data 

Activated charcoal works well at absorbing toxins, which led to the thought process that it could be used for cleaning teeth. An excellent theory, but charcoal is a highly abrasive substance. Even though it absorbs harmful compounds, as well as rids surface stains on teeth, it can also erode your tooth enamel. 

A review featuring professional medical advice has shown that charcoal provides little protection against tooth decay, even when it’s advertised as being effective. Using charcoal toothpaste can make tooth surfaces rougher, leading to enamel loss. 

Is Charcoal Toothpaste Safe?

There needs to be much more research on the efficacy and long-term effects of charcoal toothpaste. However, there are things that we do know about charcoal toothpaste, such as:

  • Charcoal is an abrasive substance that shouldn’t be for everyday use. It can wear down your enamel over time, which could make your teeth look more yellow and feel more sensitive. 
  • Charcoal particles may accumulate in the crevices or cracks of your older teeth, leaving surface stains. 
  • Many of the toothpastes that include charcoal don’t contain fluoride. You need fluoride to keep your tooth enamel strong, as well as protect your teeth from decay and cavities. 
  • We don’t know the effects of charcoal on the materials used for crowns, fillings, veneers, and bridges. 

Does It Work?

Activated charcoal-based products may help reduce some stains on your teeth due to it’s abrasive properties.  However, there isn’t any evidence to clarify if it has any effects on the stains below the enamel or if it can whiten teeth naturally. 

Pros & Cons of Charcoal Toothpaste


  • It may prevent staining if used occasionally after professional teeth cleaning.
  • It may reduce stains on the surface of your teeth.
  • It may reduce bad breath. 


  • Its abrasiveness can wear down tooth enamel.
  • It can make your teeth look yellow.
  • It won’t remove any stains below your enamel. 
  • It can cause tooth sensitivity
  • It can stain older teeth and dental restorations, such as crowns, fillings, or veneers. 
  • Its long-term effects are still unknown. 

What Are Some Other Options?

There are many options if you’re looking to whiten your teeth. In most cases, professional whitening products should be obtained when visiting your dentist. 

Those options include the following:

  • Whitening toothpaste
  • In-office whitening
  • Dentist-supervised at-home whitening
  • Whitening strips

If you’re looking to keep your teeth healthy and white, regular in-office Winnipeg teeth whitening sessions are your best bet. Not only can in-office dental cleanings get rid of plaque and provide fresher breath, but they can also pinpoint any possible dental issues and correct them before they become worse. 


If you want the absolute best for your teeth and overall dental health, get in touch with your reliable and skilled Winnipeg dentist today. Many services can be offered to you, such as teeth whitening and cleaning, as well as dental implants, fillings, and much more. Make an appointment with us, and we’ll do whatever we can to maintain your oral health.